In the year 2361, the planet is ruled

by a world military government.

The only place freedom still exists is on

Archive Island and the University

of Archivillia. Located on the island

of Jamaica, Archivillia was created by

the military government. Initially called

simply The World Historic Archive Center,

a news article referred to it as Archivillia.

As much as people dreamed of travelling

here,they loved this name, and the Island

of Jamaica was renamed to Archivillia in 2193.

Join us as we discover the 20th century

through the eyes of the future!

Archive Island – An upcoming television series about the future...... Looking at the 20th century through the eyes of the future!


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The Archivillia story (audio drama) begins on New Year’s eve, Thursday December 31, 2359 and ends on Jan 1, 2361.  The world's population is more than ten billion people.  Many years earlier, a United Nations Resolution had called for the formation of a world military government.  There was no other choice.  With ten billion people on the planet and more than two hundred years of wars, terrorism, starvation and especially pollution, it was deemed to be the only solution to restore order and save the Eco system.

At the time the military government was formed, virtually all entertainment and communication was being delivered over the Internet.  Almost nobody owned CD's, records, dvd players, or anything remotely similar anymore.  There were still some books, but most people used the electronic tablets by now.  It all made sense.  Why produce electronic devices and books that end up in landfill, when any song, movie, or book you want is a keystroke away?

However, after the military took over, freedom became a thing of the past. All communication and entertainment was severely restricted.  There was no access to all the books, movies, and music of past generations.  People were no longer permitted to study history, except those in Archivillia.

Located on the island of Jamaica, Archivillia was created by the military government to preserve the history of the world for a possible time in the future when freedom and peace could coexist.  Archivillia is a re-creation of the 20th century.  It's the only place in the world where you can drive a car, speak freely, create art, own a stereo, and hear the music of societies that flourished long ago.  Initially called simply, 'The World Historic Archive Centre,' a news article referred to it as 'Archivillia.'  As much as people dreamed of traveling here, they loved this name, and the Island of Jamaica was renamed to Archivillia in 2193.

Join us as we discover the 20th century through the eyes of the future!


Archivillia is pronounced ‘ark-uh-vill-ee-uh’


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