Archive Island – An upcoming television series about the future...... Looking at the 20th century through the eyes of the future!


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Archivillia is Educational

This site is an excellent one for you to tell your students about. A lot of our comics deal with the origin of words and sayings and illustrate how language is changing all the time. It will also teach your students to look at various forms of art like music, movies and television with a more discerning viewpoint.

There are several questions you could ask your students after visiting Archivillia:

  • What works of art from the 20th century will be remembered by future societies?
  • What defines a great work of art?
  • Why are some pieces of art remembered, while others are not?
  • How can you define a timeless classic? Is it even possible?
  • Can movies and music be both commercially successful and critically acclaimed?
  • What directors/musicians, etc are more concerned with art then they are commerce?
  • Do most of them eventually tire of commercial success and yearn for a legacy project?
  • What song from your favorite band is most likely to remembered by future societies? Why?
  • Do you think your children will like your favorite songs? Why or why not?
  • What is your mother and father's favorite song?
  • Do you like any of the music that your parents like?
  • Why do we tend not to like the same music as our parents?
  • What kinds of changes will happen in hundreds of years (real changes, not the fictional ones you see in movies)?

As I'm sure you know, the best thing you can do is to get your students as excited about learning as you are about teaching! They can't be force-fed knowledge; they have to hunger for it. Archivillia is the kind of site that will really get them curious and thinking.

We have comics about how future societies will view people such as Britney Spears and Ozzy Osbourne, where terms like 'this is Mickey Mouse' or 'what a gong show' came from. Who invented pet rocks? The best part is that we don't always give the answer and our comic characters often misinterpret where something originated! Some of the comics have a very obscure meaning behind them, but one that can easily be found with a quick search on Google.

Also, we keep the site clean, with no swearing on the bulletin board. We have filters that won't allow objectionable words, and we monitor and clean the board frequently. So, please feel free to direct your students to Archivillia. If we are successful in creating our television series, they will have been a part of the process!

R.B. Newberry


Archivillia is pronounced ‘ark-uh-vill-ee-uh’


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